five simple tips for beginners

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One of the best ways to simplify your makeup routine is to choose your go-to makeup look. For your everyday look, there's no need to reinvent the wheel every morning. If you find a look that fits your function, make it your signature.

#1 for an iconic look
One of the best ways to simplify your makeup routine is to choose your go-to makeup look. For your everyday look, there's no need to reinvent the wheel every morning. If you find a look that fits your function, make it your signature.

If you like to apply eye shadow, keep the following combination in mind: light in the inner corners, medium in the middle of the lids, and dark in the crease. This combination rarely goes wrong.

Part of creating a signature look is knowing your own face. What do you looking best with best beauty products? Don't follow trends, at least not when you're doing your five-minute face. For example, if you know it takes 15 minutes to apply winged eyeliner and lashes, but you love the look, set aside more time to be creative (and correct) over the weekend. During the workday, when you want to be ready by the end of the ad break, you need to stick to a routine that you can almost do with your eyes closed.

If you find your go-to makeup look boring, you can always add a different lip color.

#2 Have a place for everything
It's a familiar scene: You're standing in front of the bathroom mirror, rummaging through your makeup bag and discovering your seemingly misplaced eyeliner. It happens all the time. Chaos can waste your time, and you need to know where all your makeup is when every second counts.

The best way to combat clutter is to keep your bag ahead of travel time and use a makeup organizer instead. A popular option is the acrylic makeup organizer, which you can get for less than $20. With this type of organizer, you can arrange products in the order they are used. You can store mascara, pencils, brushes and everything else you need in one place. The advantage of using acrylic tools is that you can also see at a glance. No need to rummage through boxes.

#3 Groom your brows
Eyebrows are the most noticeable part of your face, but few people pay attention to them when wearing makeup. You'll be surprised how consistently grooming your brows can reduce the time you spend in front of the mirror.

Why are eyebrows so important? One reason is that balanced eyebrows can also balance your facial features. They help your face be symmetrical.

Another great reason to focus on eyebrows? Eyebrows have the power to make you look younger. Forget those simple 1920s pencil-thin brows. Thick, full, natural brows look youthful and fresh. Of course, you don't want bushy ones. Here's how to get the perfect brow shape in 30 seconds:

Fill in brows with matte eyeshadow or colored brow mascara. Then, use the brow brush to guide the hair in one direction.

#4 Use pencils instead of liquids or gels
One of the best ways to define beautiful eyes is to line them up. But, if we're going to be completely honest, liquid and gel eyeliners are pretty time-consuming. It takes a lot of practice to be perfect. But even if you're an expert with liquid or gel liners, it takes a long time to do this. One accidental flick and it's all over - grab the makeup remover and try again. what.

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Pencil lead is your new best friend. In addition to being easy to use, our liquid eyeliners are specially formulated because they are free of all other processed ingredients that can cause irritable, puffy eyes. Our eyeliner glides along your lash line for smooth and highly pigmented strokes.

Pencils are easier to use.

Also, you can easily create a subtle smoky eye look with an eyeliner. After applying the eyeliner to the eyes, simply wet the cotton swab and lightly apply the eyeliner. No extra shading needed!

#5 Choose a multitasking product
You don't have time to switch from one product to another when you want to get out of the house as soon as possible. You need a multitasking product that can accomplish multiple feats at the same time.

Fortunately, there are many great products on the market with dual or triple functionality. Here are some tips on how to find multitasking beauty products:
