How many properties can you own in Monopoly go?
In the classic version of Monopoly, there are a total of 28 properties that players can own. These properties are divided into color groups, and each group typically consists of two or three properties. The properties can be categorized as follows:

Brown Properties: Mediterranean Avenue and Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Properties: Oriental Avenue, Vermont Avenue, and Connecticut Avenue
Pink Properties: St. Charles Place, States Avenue, and Virginia Avenue
Orange Properties: In St. James Place, Tennessee Avenue, and New York Avenue
Red Properties: Kentucky Avenue, Indiana Avenue, and Illinois Avenue
Yellow Properties: Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, and Marvin Gardens
Green Properties: Pacific Avenue, North Carolina Avenue, and Pennsylvania Avenue
Dark Blue Properties: Park Place and Boardwalk
In addition to these properties, there are also four "Railroad" spaces (Reading Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad, B. & O. Railroad, and Short Line) and two "Utility" spaces (Electric Company and Water Works) that can be owned.



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