128eeb4e9f3217 A phobia is a strong, irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that triggers an immediate and overwhelming feeling of dread. For some people, the mere mention of their phobia will set off the same feeling as if they were faced with it in person. Some people also see things that are not there and imagine terrible scenarios that never happen. In extreme cases, the person's anxiety might be so severe that it can cause them to have a panic attack or physical symptoms similar to heart palpitations or hyperventilation. Phobias range from simple fears like snakes and spiders to complex ones like public speaking and death. In some cases, a phobia can be so severe that it interferes with the person's ability to function normally on a day-to-day basis.Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder in which fear or anxiety attacks a person in a place or situation where it's difficult or embarrassing to escape. Agoraphobia can also be manifested as an irrational fear of being trapped or held captive. Some people have this fear without having been previously traumatized by being held captive or being trapped, while others have this fear after being previously traumatized by being held captive or being trapped.
The fear of being trapped or held captive by another person can be referred to as anosognosia, while the fear of being trapped or held captive by one's own mind is known as de Clerambault's syndrome.
Panic attacks are sudden, unexpected panic attacks which often occur in response to some threat or situation. Panic attacks often come on without warning and felt like no other emotion experienced. Panic attacks can make a subject feel embarrassed, scared, lost, shaky, out of breath, panicked, shaky, sweating and awkward feelings. They can create the feeling of having a heart attack and the feeling of dying. A panic attacks typically last from a few minutes to an hour and may include:

Some people fear loss of control and death, others fear sudden injuries, and yet others fear open spaces or being in crowded areas. Some might even have a phobia about leaving their home or their bedroom. Many individuals with phobias find them troubling, as this intense fear can be quite disruptive to their lives. Those who experience phobias will go to great lengths just to avoid occasions that might trigger their intense feelings all over again.

There are numerous phobias, including agoraphobia, flying phobia, fear of heights, fear of people with dreadlocks, fear of spiders, fear of traveling alone via train or airplane, fear of public speaking and fear of speaking in public.

Phobias can be classified by the type of objects that the person fears. Acrophobias are usually about heights. Claustrophobia is about spaces that are too small or closed-off. Nausea phobia is about looking at food before eating it—the thought makes some people queasy. Ophidiophobia is about snakes and other reptiles.
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